Rebecca Shore

Rebecca Shore

Rebecca Shore, originally from New York, moved to Israel in 1984 and now lives with her husband and children in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem and Jewish wisdom are her main sources of inspiration. Her work springs from a deep connection to Biblical ideas and phrases from the Torah, the Prophets and the Psalms. Rebecca strives to visually express emotion and deeper meaning.

Currently, she works in a variety of media, including watercolor, gouache, ink, oils, and has a successful line of Judaica. She also produces, writes and directs award-winning documentary films.

The inspiration for the series “Found Objects” emerged after a visit to Mitzpeh Ramon, a town in southern Israel. It was there that she was exposed to the use of recycled materials as art. An English major in university, Shore has a love of language, which is reflected in these pieces. Her love of wordplay, and the clever use of objects as metaphors, is an integral part of the work.

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