The ancient tradition of lighting the Chanukah candles serves to unleash the warmth and light within us, as the lights unravel their beauty unto the outside world to grow and inspire others. As even one tiny flame can inspire another and bring light into the souls of others. Bringing a wave of inspiration and lighting up the world during the dark times. Candles are lit throughout this festival for 8 consecutive days, starting at one candle and each day adding another. Hence each candle that is added illustrates the expanding beauty of miracles and goodness brought into this world each and every day. The artists featured in this exhibition have created pieces that embody the warm festival of Chanukah and the ‘light in us’. Each artist delivering a piece that is unique for them that incapsulates both their internal and external essence in reflecting to Chanukah. Interpreting the festival to give it a true essence and artistic touch in helping others to truly see how the ‘light’ impacts their own lives.

Nil Bahar

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