Chani Cohen Zada

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Chani Cohen Zada explores the improvement of moral qualities by apprehending the flaws that haven’t yet been mended. Her figurative-realistic works express an ongoing search for painting techniques that convey the deep connection between spiritual growth and physical matter. In a kind of visual Beit Midrash (“House of Learning”) assembling symbols and childhood memories, her images are influenced by ideas that originate from rabbinic homilies, biblical exegesis, Jewish philosophy, Chassidism, Kabbalah and “cognitive thinking”- conscious self-work known as the “Yemima method”. Inspired by cognitive thinking, her works create a vessel to contemplate the poetics of everyday life. At the center of her work are everyday experiences as they occur in real life. Household objects populate the allegorical scenes in which abstract cognitive thinking and kabbalistic motifs are transformed into visual signs. In this domestic mystery ordinary objects that belong to family life symbolize spiritual ideas. Material creation lends expression to the study of cognitive thinking that has shaped the artist’s personality. Matter captures spirit – the abstract idea is made corporeal. (from: Rachel Verliebter, “Apprehending Paradox: The Knowledge of Opposites is One”